There is an ever-increasing number of initiatives throughout the United States combating demand. A landscape analysis by Abt. Associates Inc. found promising demand-reduction practices in the areas of criminal justice, legislative reform, prevention education, and public awareness. As the anti-demand field is relatively new, there is a need for evaluations to assess the effectiveness of programs and policies to ensure evidence-based efforts are bolstered and replicated. However, there is enough research to support immediate action, and the anecdotal evidence of the promising practices found here suggests they are having an impact on the sex trade.
Hold Buyers Accountable
- Prostituted women are arrested far more often than sex buyers.
- Men say arrests and jail time, increased fines, and sex offender registries will deter them from purchasing sex. Read our report “Who Buys Sex?” to learn more.
Criminal Justice Actions
Because criminal justice professionals are at the forefront of interacting with buyers and determining a legal course of action, convincing them to address demand will likely produce the most immediate, visible reduction results.

Learn about these tactics at
- John schools
- Reverse stings
- Web stings
- Neighborhood action
- Auto seizure
- Community service
- Geographic restraining orders
- Letters sent to arrestees’ homes