Policy Update, Survivor Gathering, Documentaries, and More

Posted by on October 5, 2017 in CEASE Network, Events, Newsletter, Policy

Survivor Leaders Meet to Discuss Demand Reduction Policies

As part of our commitment to gain insight from survivors, we convened leaders from across the country to propose a national policy framework that prioritizes reducing harm to victims and holding buyers accountable. Organized by a committee of survivor leaders, the August gathering in Denver was based on feminist salons, informal meetings that emphasize the exchange of ideas. This group will join our CEASE Network (Cities Empowered Against Sexual Exploitation) coordinators at a convening in DC in November to continue these policy discussions.

Trafficking Victims Protection Act Reauthorized by Senate, Must Pass House

Last month, the Senate passed a bill reauthorizing the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the nation’s key federal policy on sex trafficking. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) championed the bill, which features strong demand reduction language, including provisions that mandate demand reduction training in all federally-funded human trafficking training programs. While previous versions of TVPA had wide-ranging and positive effects on identifying victims, funding services, and penalizing pimps and traffickers, they failed to prioritize holding sex buyers accountable.

Now we watch for the House Judiciary Committee to take up Sen. Cornyn’s TVPA reauthorization bill, getting it one step closer to the president’s desk to be signed into law.

Read the rest of our September newsletter