Rachel Moran educates “The World”

Posted by on October 2, 2015 in News

rachel-moranFive minutes is barely enough time to write an email—never mind eloquently sum up a complex and controversial topic that’s recently received global attention—but that’s exactly what author, activist, and sex trade survivor Rachel Moran does in this succinct interview with PRI’s The World.

It’s a powerful and informative piece, where her personal experience of having spent years trapped in the sex trade provides context and insight into a very polarizing issue. We highly recommend you give it a listen.

Listen at PRI.org

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twitter.@RachelRMoran was 15 and homeless: “The only thing left to sell was my body.” Powerful @PRItheWorld interview: http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-10-01/after-seven-years-dublin-sex-trade-rachel-moran-says-prostitution-always-abuse